‘I roamed the countryside searching for answers to things I did not understand’


veravo madonna dbl

Veravo is everything I dreamed it would be.

Wandering into the village I recognized the landmarks from Sams brief video made the day he bought the house.

Curved staircases seemingly held up by air and luck, an large well tended orto in the centre, tiny doors, intricate alleyways, and finally the path up to our house.

After years of waiting finally we arrived in Veravo.

The house is still standing but needs a bit of work. I imagine the terraced gardens and lunches on the terrace….a long way to go yet.

The first stage of our dream has been realised now we need to work out how to keep it alive and fund a renovation.

We are looking at a community project, one in which visitors can experience the joys we are living daily. We’d love any thoughts on the idea.

We meet the locals.

An old lady peered out at us from the window overhead. She turned out to be a real gem and had lived in the village her entire life. Another man told us most of the empty houses are selling, gas pipes are coming in and the area is just perfect for those looking for a house close to the Ligurian coast.

I now look forward to exploring Liguria and falling in love with her as we have with Piedmont.

veravo ring dbl



and the gang x


changing your life
life redesign
20 replies
    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I just know one day you’ll get here for a visit Lisa xx
      you’d love it all x

  1. Margaret | Destination Here&Now
    Margaret | Destination Here&Now says:

    I’m playing catchup here. Actually been doing some work lol. Two houses?

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      afraid so Margaret we never do anything by halves lol. I feel overwhelmed with work at the moment with the reno, sorting a new life in Italy and trying to keep up with the net. We had to get the second house to live in until we work out how to finance the house in Veravo. I must admit I am in love with this working Borgata we are a part of now, a great community and so much to learn. Life is good, sending love x
      ps don’t work too hard x

      • Margaret | Destination Here&Now
        Margaret | Destination Here&Now says:

        Ah if only blogging would pay the bills!! lol

        • Lisa Chiodo
          Lisa Chiodo says:

          hmmm still searching for the magic ‘blogging’ formula for that, x

  2. Deny
    Deny says:

    hey… i love to see your veravo-pics!!! i love this village!
    i was there 2 weeks ago and had a walk through the old streets and houses!! really nice atmosphere there!!! also had a look at your house… a lot of work to do 🙂
    i am looking forward to see your house next time!!
    greetz from germany

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      What a coincidence Deny, you are right it is a great spot. We certainly have a big project to take on with this house. I look forward to meeting you one day soon, ciao lisa x

  3. Krista
    Krista says:

    I’m SO happy that you are happy in your new home, Lisa. 🙂 I love the picture of that cat – and those children – on the steps. Absolutely wonderful. 🙂 xo

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I still feel in a whirl Krista as so much has happened since we arrived. New people and places, old and new friends and such incredible stories we are keen to share them. x

  4. Caterina B
    Caterina B says:

    Beautiful photos, Lisa! so you went to Veravo to visit your “other” house?
    How far is it from Bobbio Pellice?

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Yes at last I got to visit the house in Veravo Caterina, it’s gorgeous just not sure when we will be able to begin. From Bobbio Pellice it’s 210 km or 2hr drive so we’ve only been down once x

      • Michael Bonato
        Michael Bonato says:

        It looks gorgeous, so medieval, love it..:D

        • Lisa Chiodo
          Lisa Chiodo says:

          Michael it’s gorgeous, and if you want true Medieval you must come to Bobbio Pellice for a visit!! You won’t believe it x

  5. jann
    jann says:

    Looks so much like parts of Sicily. Show us more, Lisa!!! I love your daughter’s bright pink pants against the greys and browns. Buon lavoro & baci!!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It does remind me of Sicily Jann, perhaps that’s why we love it…my Mother in Law is from Salina. Our darling Carina is always a touch of pink in any scene it’s her favorite of course!! ciao love lisa x

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      They are so appealing I can’t resist Deb, and I love the ones with many layers of paint peeling away x

      • Janine
        Janine says:

        You girls and your green doors…! Beautiful, all of them xx

        • Lisa Chiodo
          Lisa Chiodo says:

          It’s so easy to get caught up in the idea of the perfect Italy, beautiful old doors, cobbled streets, and pots of flowers. For me the true beauty is in the people and the stories they tell us, I am totally fascinated with this ancient lifestyle Janine xx


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