The Simple Life can become Complicated

Creating a less complicated life has funnily enough become quite complicated (at least in my head).

Ahhh the Simple Life, I have been steering clear of my blog recently, a little hiatus to gather my thoughts and refocus.

A multitude of voices each with an opinion different to my own, do this, write that, less images, less sharing from the heart, in fact just less of me until I felt like I was disappearing.

So I got online in a big way, searching for the right answer, looking for a guru to follow when all along I only needed to listen to my own heart and continue sharing our life.

Life doesn’t need to be so complicated.

I continue to be inspired by our life in the Valley, it feeds the soul on so many levels.

Each day something brand new unfolds, new friendships develop,  relationships deepen and I am drawn out into the sunshine to enjoy nothing more than tending the chickens, or splashing with the kids in the fountain.

Living the Simple Life

We get messages telling us that we are inspiring (I never really believe it ) that the life we are creating for our family is something you aspire to achieve. I hope that we can inspire you to make your own simple changes in lifestyle.

Opening up our home for visitors this year has us thinking outside the box to create a beautiful environment within our very rustic Borgata. One that still feels authentic and rustic yet at the same time comfy.

The Loft Apartment will be playing home to many visitors this year, and we are constantly looking at new ways to share our Simple Life with you.

It feels a little like I need to catch you all up, like I would if we met for a coffee and a long chat.

If you follow us on Facebook you would know that I went to hospital briefly with a suspected transient stroke, all good now and taking aspirin daily until further notice.

Menopause hit in a big way and I felt as if I was going mad, jittery, anxious, depressed and luckily my new doctor prescribed me something and I like to call them my ‘happy pills’ that keep the hormonal imbalance at bay.

It was a very confusing and stressful time for our little family with Mummy loosing the plot over almost everything.

Certainly not the Simple Life

Lots of tears tantrums and yelling followed by crying fits and deep dark moods.

I only share here in case you or someone you know is going through something similar, it was only when I told Sam I felt like jumping off a bridge that he got me straight to the doctors.

On a much happier note, since getting help I have felt my former self returning. The season has changed from a long cold winter to a glorious spring with the mountains just bursting with flowers.

I took the chickens out for a walk today, first time out in the sunshine since we bought them in for winter, they stretched and scratched about, clucking happily to each other.

Oh and it looks like the cat might be pregnant, shhhhhh don’t tell Sam.

We have had a friend staying with us for a little while before his return to Australia. He loved exploring the village and Borgata and took some trips with friends of ours as well.

My Mum is in hospital

She had a fall  and then couldn’t get up until help arrived a few hours later. She does have an emergency pendant but wasn’t wearing it. Yep she has been known to be a bit stubborn.

I wish I could be with her, I wish she lived nearby and we could see her all the time. She has learned to Skype and now we chat daily.

I can’t imagine my life without her in it.

For now it’s time for me to get out in the sunshine

Play with the kids, they are building tents up in the ‘orto’ and I can hear them laughing.

Later I will feed the chickens, gather the eggs,  light the fire so Sam can start cooking, feed the cats and enjoy the evening catching up with our friends adventures

……maybe the Simple Life isn’t so complicated after all

Much love as always, let me know what you’ve been up to won’t you x

and the gang x


portrait in paris
Madonna della Neve Bagnolo
stay at borgata malpertus
off on a tangent
creating a simple life
christmas blues
living italy
25 replies
  1. Tess
    Tess says:

    As life time events change our minds and bodies we can only radically accept these changes if we expect to survive and flourish. So many of us at our age are confounded by these changes and as hard as we try to fight the more difficult life becomes. Lisa, we have all had challenges and you perhaps are facing yours. I find that through prayer and mediation I receive the strength and determination it requires to assume a warrior stance. You and Sam have somethings special and I sincerely believe you both acknowledge this special relationship. May the Good Lord Bless you, Sam and the children! Take care of your MUM… Heart felt hugs from Morgantown, PA USA – Tess

  2. La Contessa
    La Contessa says:

    MY goodness……….that was A LOT To share!Hope the HAPPY pills work.
    AS I was reading this I kept thinking SHE needs to go HOME.Then you tell us about your MOTHER falling……………….yikes.AT least you can chat daily.
    You have your plate full for the next few years…………I applaud YOU.

  3. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    Oh Lisa, I know that you have been there a lot. Life sometimes throws us quite a few curveballs. I think you are a very brave, gutsy woman and wish you all the best. Only you will be able to ascertain what is the right balance 🙂

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Ciao Cathy and thanks gotta love those curve balls, just not when they are coming thick and fast. Thanks for the post about Gretchen, I’m just checking her out right now. much love to my original blogging buddy, xxx

  4. Little Goat Books
    Little Goat Books says:

    Hi Lisa, Kiwi here. I live a similar life style, but further south. Keeping it simple – I hear you loud and clear! Having just had a bout of re-entry blues after being in the Antipodes with family I have some idea of how it feels up there in the shadow of this late and chilly Spring.

    Maybe up there you need to think about those light bulbs that give the same as sunshine, I have an Australian friend in NZ who needs those to keep him going during the winter. Sunshine makes a huge difference, especially to those of us who grew up with light and long summers.

    Occasionally I wonder how much of my pleasure comes from my stream of visitors, and how much is from my own life here. Which is genuine? Whose dream is this anyway? But on we go, and for me, at least, when visitors come, it does make me appreciate all over again the magic of the place I call my home here in Italy.

  5. Charmain Giuliani
    Charmain Giuliani says:

    Just love you and glad you are back

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Love you as well Charmain xxx

  6. Jen Banks
    Jen Banks says:

    I love following your lives, seeing the beauty, heartbreak, challenges and triumphs. I especially love your honesty – no ‘instagram filters’ in your stories! 🙂 I’m so glad you have your ‘happy pills’. It took til I was ready to drive under an oncoming truck to finally get mine – now I have the real me back, and my family and myself like me again. So lovely to see the spring weather and joy in your blog xxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      LOL nope not many filters, I’ve always been that way. I think that if I am going through something then so is someone else. Yes I know that feeling of looking for the approaching truck and so happy you found your ‘happy pills’ I think many women don’t sadly.
      much love xx

  7. Krista
    Krista says:

    Oh darlin’, hugging you so tight and saying, “me too.” XO I’ve recently learned that I need to disconnect completely at least one full day a week or I lose my voice, my own thoughts, my own “me” gets smothered by the demands and expectations of others. I love YOU, all of you, your illnesses and dark moments and fears and insecurities. I hope you will keep being you so that us kindred spirits can keep connecting and inspiring each other to press on. You are wonderful. XO

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh so true Krista and without that time I go round the bend, especially for the kids, seeing Mummy always on the computer and stressed with all the things she hasn’t achieved rather than out playing with them is just not on.

      It makes a huge difference in my life to know you are near and that we keep creating a space of sharing, truth and love. Kindred spirits UNITE!!!!

      Oh and by the way Ditto Double Ditto on the wonderful bit xxx

  8. Jackie Stenhouse
    Jackie Stenhouse says:

    Us women tend to have a way of over thinking things sometimes when the simple path is right in front of us. So glad you have received the help you need to balance those pesky hormones. I am not looking forward to that time of my life. Love hearing your stories.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh those pesky hormones, yes keep a look out for them!!! xx

  9. Linda Rhyne
    Linda Rhyne says:

    Keep listening to your heart. Through your words I can see the borgata, the valley, the chickens enjoying the fresh air and sun, Sam cooking dinner. In my mind I’m in Malpertus.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh thanks for that Linda, I sometimes worry that I am boring everyone and then stop blogging for a bit. Back to it now xxx
      You’re always welcome in Malpertus x

  10. jann
    jann says:

    Lisa, so sorry to hear about all the scary stuff you’ve been through, and I’m glad you’re better now. Yes, just listen to your truly beautiful heart; block out all that other useless chatter about what you should or should not do. I love following your life & you’re so right that the “simple life” can get complicated indeed!!! xxxxxxbaci from sicilia

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Thanks Jann, I really couldn’t understand how I went from normally cheerful to weepy and walking the black dog, it wasn’t until we got a different doctor that it started to make sense and be resolved. Baci right back to you xxx

  11. freefalling
    freefalling says:

    I’m heading that menopause sucker off at the pass.
    I saw my sister suffer horrendously, so before any of that stuff gets me, I’ve had my hormone levels tested and I am visiting a doctor who specializes in custom made biodentical hormones – none of that pregnant horse wee stuff.

    Those voices in your head can drive you bonkers can’t they?
    Sometimes we just need to chill and inspect our belly-button for an extended period.
    It has worked wonders for me!

    Would love to see some of your photos of your village.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Ciao and yes totally agree and when I realized it was the hormones I felt much better. Inspecting my belly button sounds wonderful as long as it’s on a sun lounger with a good book and a nice cold glass of something to drink.


  12. Kelly
    Kelly says:

    Listen to your heart, be true to yourself and your family, for in the end that is all that really matters. The rest is just “stuff”. Glad your “happy pills” are helping you through menopause and feeling better! Ciao!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh gotta love those happy pills Kelly, sorry to take so long getting here to reply, I seem to be all over the place at the moment. LOL a stitching retreat in Las Vegas……whoa!

  13. Leslie in Oregon
    Leslie in Oregon says:

    I’m sorry that menopause has been so difficult, leaving you feeling “as if I was going mad, jittery, anxious, depressed.” If I were as articulate as you, I would describe my menopausal years with exactly the same words. In my case, however, menopause was combining with a misdiagnosed case of Grave’s Disease (causing hyperthyroid). Once my problem was correctly diagnosed and treatment for Grave’s began, the symptoms soon moderated and the disease went into remission, where it has stayed ever since! So bravo to you (and your husband) for seeking medical help, and how wonderful that the medication is effective! Best wishes to you and your mother (I come from a long line of stubborn women), as well as the chickens and children playing in the fountain, Leslie

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh Leslie having Graves on top of everything else how awful. So glad you were able to get it under control. I was surprised because none of my friends or family who had been through menopause shared and I thought it was just me. I love my ‘happy pills’ and yes our stubborn streak is a mile wide lol xx

  14. Joy Orr
    Joy Orr says:

    So wonderful to follow your amazing life from”across the pond”
    I adore Italy and have been there many times but sadly money has dried up and I’m getting a bit ancient but just love your titbits.Heaps of thanks.Joy

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh thanks Joy and yes we certainly know about the money drying up, we are now thinking outside the box to try to create our income. xx


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