we are moving to Italy!


‘Do one thing every day that scares you’

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

We are moving to Italy.

At last the Italian Dream is coming true.

This is the post I have waited to write yet funnily enough it is the hardest one to complete. I have sat on this news for a few weeks both excited yet incredibly flat. And you know what, as my friend Diana Baur would say…I am letting myself be at peace with that.

We have at last booked our tickets, all our struggles now have an end date. We are now able to work backwards from the future, which is an idea I love. So within the next six months we will have our Italian dream, we will finish the renovation of the units, sell everything, pack away my treasures, finalize the kids school, and say goodbye.

We fly out in March to our Italian Dream via a two week stopover in Bangkok. Everything is booked so we have no option other than to be ready to go. This year we will be spending our last Aussie Christmas in Melbourne with my family which we haven’t done for many years.  Our kids hardly know my side of the family, or our traditions. I can’t wait to show them how we celebrate Christmas.

It has been a hell of a year, in so many ways... some I can share, others I can’t. Life became complicated this year, our health has suffered as a result. Luckily in a way, because I have developed anemia which led me to being tired, dizzy, out of breath with heart palpitations. I say luckily because this has led me to discover a problem with my heart which I need to sort before we can go anywhere. Both my brothers, my Dad and my Grandmother have had heart problems so I am taking this seriously, yes a bit worried.

Normally very upbeat, enthusiastic and positive I am struggling temporarily.

One thing I have learned is that it is okay to reach out for help, that we don’t have to work through this alone. It seems we still have one more mountain to climb before flying down the other side to our Italian Dream.

With such a lot to complete in the next six months it’s not the best time to go into “overwhelm” or to suddenly realize that we are not invincible. So I hope you will forgive any glitches or forgetfulness on my part temporarily here online. I must put my family and health first right now.

We are endeavoring to create a less complicated version of life.

Yet I only have to say the word “Italy” to start dreaming, it’s going to be incredible. We have so many places and people to visit, friends to meet in person at last.

Oh yes and another house to renovate!

and the gang x


off on a tangent
creating simplicity
creating a simple life
portrait in paris
portrait in paris
our italian life
getting to know you hello
getting to know you hello
57 replies
  1. Gina - Our Global Adventure
    Gina - Our Global Adventure says:

    Oh my goodness, I feel your anticipation, this is exactly where we are at now, (minus the reno’s but we do need to sell a house!). Thanks for sharing this post Lisa, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog 🙂

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Gina it’s so nice to meet you and glad we connected. I know that time of trying to sell a house believe me, it felt like forever before we sold ours and were able to move to Italy. Good luck with the sale xx ciao lisa

  2. lapiubelladitutte
    lapiubelladitutte says:

    For a person who can draw a straight line, that’s more than enought!!!

  3. lapiubelladitutte
    lapiubelladitutte says:

    And I thought getting an Italian ID was difficult, silly me, he he!!!! Dealing with the Italian comune can certainly teache you patience!!! By the way also keep in mind that Italians do not speak english unless they work in hotels or in tourism in general!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      luckily Sam speaks fluent Italian and we have so many more friends now to help us out if we get stuck (the joys of social media). I’m sure we’ll be in for lots of fun!! xxx

      • lapiubelladitutte
        lapiubelladitutte says:

        Nice, good for you !!! You will have so much fun trying to communicate in English with Italians I can assure you!!! he he he!!!

        • Lisa Chiodo
          Lisa Chiodo says:

          Oh yes, I’m definitely going to get some kind of translating gizmo to carry around. I’m sure the kids will pick it up quicker than I will. A notebook and pencil won’t go astray to do some quick drawings to help the translations LOL x

          • lapiubelladitutte
            lapiubelladitutte says:

            If you can do some drawings, you are a lucky one!! Lol!!!!!

            • Lisa Chiodo
              Lisa Chiodo says:

              we’ve been practicing with the Pictionary, LOL x

  4. lapiubelladitutte
    lapiubelladitutte says:

    Congrats! I can assure you from personal experience that life in Italy will reward you for all the pain and the troubles you had. Everything won’t be perfect off course, but living in a place you love, does give you strength to deal with all the dificulties. And if you have any tips about buying and then renovatinh a casa d’epoca I would love to hear them!!!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Grazie it’s wonderful to hear from others who are loving life in Italia. I think this time I will be able to accept the differences instead of fighting them, and our children are older so they will add to the experience all that they love. I’m sure we will have lots to post about buying and renovating very soon! ciao lisa x

      • lapiubelladitutte
        lapiubelladitutte says:

        You are welcome, I am sure you will do fine, no doubt about it! Just be prepared for the italian bureaucracy which is in italiano described as pazzesca!!!! I might be interested in renovating as weel, time well tell!!

        • Lisa Chiodo
          Lisa Chiodo says:

          Oh yes Maria we’ve had Italian bureaucracy first hand….trying to get sprinkles on my daughters ice – cream one time LOL!! The lady at the counter gave me a very stern “No!” even when Carina started crying she wouldn’t budge. Turned out sprinkles are only for yoghurt I found out when my hubby returned. By that time I had blown a fuse (I’m normally very calm) and yes she got the sprinkles after lots of arm waving, hysterics and yelling by the overly protective Aussie Mummy. Funnily enough we saw two other kids with sprinkles after that so maybe she changed her mind.

          Renovating certainly teaches you patience!!
          ciao love lisa x

  5. Trisha Thomas
    Trisha Thomas says:

    Lisa — Your posts are always so lovely, warm and heartfelt. Although I have never met you, I feel near to you as a Mamma of three children who loves her children, who loves Italy and who has dreams galore. I give you all my support as you face your challenges. Italy is here waiting for you– as stunningly beautiful as ever. I am on a train heading to Ferrara because I have been invited to speak at a Ferrara Journalism Festival about my blog. I am so excited, no one has ever asked me to speak about my blog before! I am travelling through the Italian countryside at dusk and I can’t tell you how gorgeous it is. I, too, have been facing some challenges recently and I, like you, am searching for ways to simplify life. Life threw us a curveball this summer when one of my children became ill and spent a month in the hospital. It has been the most difficult challenge I have ever faced and we have to take one day at a time. So, I am with you — family and health first– and let’s keep our dreams alive. Hope to meet you some day when you are in Italy. Hugs, Trisha

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh Trisha, thank you so much for this, I don’t know how I missed your comment. How exciting and I hope your time at the Journalism Festival went well. Your blog is one of my favorites and I look forward to seeing your posts (and love the drawings and pics). It is so frightening when your children are in hospital and I’ve never had ours in for more than a day so I can’t imagine what a month would be like. As you say take one day then the next slowly slowly. Sending you and your family all our love and I’m sure we will meet up sometime next year. Family and Health!!! xxx love lisa

  6. Carla Coulson
    Carla Coulson says:

    Oh Lisa thrilled for you and your family I got goosebumps when I read the line “I only have to say the word Italy to start dreaming” your dreams are going to be reality all too soon.
    Carla xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      After all this time longing, planning and working flat out towards our dream it’s about to happen! Yahooooo!
      Just the start of another big adventure for the famiglia Chiodo xxx

  7. jann
    jann says:

    Wow, Lisa! How intoxicating! Doing it “rough” is just fine at first, because then later even “normal” things seem like great luxuries. (I’m still crazy about hot water cuz it took me 2 years to get…) Your lucky kids!!!!!!! Take good care of yourself now, OK??? Very best wishes.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      So true Jann, I remember how wonderful it was to get hot water in the house, and taking our first shower. I can’t wait to show the kids the big wide world, they are going to love it all, even the rough bits. ciao for now lisa x

  8. Vicki Archer
    Vicki Archer says:

    This was an exciting post to open Lisa… It will be hard and difficult and all those things you said, but it will also be exciting, rewarding and the most incredible time of your life… I look forward to sharing your journey… xv

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Thank you dear Vicki, I know you understand many of the complex emotions when moving country. I am so excited and have so many ideas for the house. We will be doing it “rough” short term till we get on our feet! Can’t wait for the kids to see the big wide world and my daughter thinks it will be fabulous to have Chocolate Eclairs in Paris for her birthday LOL xxx

  9. lindyloumacinitaly
    lindyloumacinitaly says:

    You must take care of yourself and your family first and foremost and if a simpler life means less on line presence then so be it Lisa. Take Care. xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It’s amazing what just a simple change like turning off my fb notifications has had. Now I just check once in the evening and my inbox is skipped by almost everything which now goes straight into the correct files for me to look at later. I was a slave to responding to everyone and everything LOL xxx
      sending love and thanks for all your support
      lisa x

  10. jenny@atasteoftravel
    jenny@atasteoftravel says:

    How exciting for you Lisa that the tickets are booked and the dream is now to become a reality. I’m a firm believer in saying if things are not OK…it seems to lift a small weight off your mind and hopefully you can share the load. A lot of the hard work is finished or nearly finished, your health is being looked at and you can start and plan the exciting future you will have. The future is bright and I look forward to living your dream with you! Take care and goodluck.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Yes exciting news Jenny and I have found that just sharing after RUOK day has helped. Such a wealth of loving wishes and offers of support. You are so right, the future is bright and will be here before we know it!
      sending love
      ciao lisa x

  11. Olivia
    Olivia says:

    soooooo excited for you Lisa!! Can’t wait to read all about your new adventure!! xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I know….can you believe it’s finally happening!! So next time you get to Italy you can come visit xx

  12. Catherine
    Catherine says:

    Very best wishes to you and family. So true about knowing when to reach out. Health is SO important. Hope everything goes smoothly for you now.xxcat

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh thanks so much for that Catherine. I loved your latest post, I think I’ll have to reach out more often. I think all will go well just some good glitches to keep us on our toes x
      ciao love lisa

  13. Lisa Wood
    Lisa Wood says:

    So good to read about your move to Italy. And I totally get where you are coming from….life has its ups and its downs – that is what makes life interesting!
    Please take care of yourself. Hey was wondering, have you been to see Don Tolman talk about healing with food? He is good at what he teaches – and he visits Brisbane on a regular basis to present a two hour talk about how to heal natually. Thought it might help with keeping everything healthy on the inside 🙂
    Take care…looking forward to hearing all about your renovations. Here in Australia and Italy xxxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh I must tell my friend Shivanii, she is a wealth of information with natural healing, and foods. She takes groups to India to help in a project she helped set up. How are things with you all, I see you on fb and the blog and you always seem to be up to something (unless swinging in that gorgeous hammock lol).
      sending love and thanks for the thoughts

  14. Caterina B
    Caterina B says:

    Hooray, Lisa! I am very happy for you and your family! I hope your health problem will not delay anything and that you get it taken care of soon. That’s great that you will have two weeks in Thailand on the way to Italy.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      We have been saving a bottle of Moet for a long time and soon will be able to crack it and drink to Italy!
      I feel like I will have a plane full of great friends coming along with us for the journey!
      sending love

  15. Janine
    Janine says:

    What can I say Lisa? I am so happy for you. I have a big grin on my face as I write this. Truly. I get so excited about anyone’s latest trip to Italy but your news is extra special. You are absolutely right to say the next 6 months will fly. and I hope I’m right in saying that you will really enjoy them too. Because everyday will have extra meaning. Anticipation, waiting, planning are all such pleasures in themselves. I wish you everything you wish for yourselves in this time. I know you’ll keep us posted. In the meantime, un bacio enorme. Jxxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Janine one thing I am so excited about is getting the chance to meet up some day soon! I have so much to get done and I am one of those who leave everything till the last minute so thank goodness my husband is the opposite and super organized. See you soon
      ciao love lisa x

  16. Annette Piper
    Annette Piper says:

    Wonderful news that it is happening at last. Hope your health issues get sorted quickly.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Yes at last Annette!! Funnily that is the title of the song we had played at our wedding. I’m sure I’ll be able to get the health sorted and am looking forward to that “rest” in Bangkok. It didn’t happen over night but YES it did happen.
      ciao love lisa x

  17. Alison
    Alison says:

    Wow. Thanks for sharing. I can’t WAIT to write my post headed “moving to Italy”. Enjoy.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh that will be fantastic Allison, keep taking steps towards that heading!
      ciao for now
      lisa x

  18. jan
    jan says:

    The flights are booked. I quite often feel flat when the deed is done. You have six months for it all to fall into place and then two weeks in Bangkok. Yay! And then your new life. Lucky you found out about your heart problems now – am sending positive vibes your way.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Yes Jan it is so true and I know the next six months will just fly by now we have booked. It’s good to be able to work backwards from a date at last. Thanks for those positive vibes I am feeling them all
      love lisa x

  19. Krista
    Krista says:

    Dear, dear Lisa, it’s OK to be weepy and scared and exhausted and overwhelmed. XO You have had such a rough time and you are AMAZING to have come through it with your head up and your honesty intact. XO Wishing you true rest, peace of heart and mind, restoration of your battered body, and truly wonderful moments with your family. Wish I could pop over to help you pack/clean/cook, ANYTHING. Know that so many of us are cheering for you, supporting you, wishing you nothing but good. XO

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Krista you made me cry!! With good tears, how wonderful to have made such a friend that can give me a great big virtual hug over the line. It has made a huge difference just being open about the struggles we are going through and the support of so many friends makes me smile! You know you will have a place to stay when you get to Italia, hopefully we will have some goats baaa baaaa.
      sending lots of love to you
      ciao lisa x

  20. Paola
    Paola says:

    Wow Lisa, I know how much you have been waiting for this moment. All that hard work and perseverance have paid off. You have your eyes wide open too knowing that the road ahead won’t always be easy. But you have done it! I am very happy for and look forward to reading about the journey in your blog.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Thanks so much for that Paola, as you say we are now aware which makes all the difference. Can’t wait to start blogging about the next stage of our lives and the adventures we will no doubt have. The blog is about to ramp up!!
      sending love
      lisa x

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      and right back to you Daniela,
      sending love
      lisa x

  21. Shivanii
    Shivanii says:

    Hi my dear
    What a wonderful post. Thank you for your openness and vulnerability. I agree that you must put your family and health first! including taking it easy during the renovation if needed. Knowledge about health is important, and I hope you enjoy your journey of coming to terms with this condition you have just found! Sending you all love, and I hope you can remember to run a hot bath with some essential oils, or call a friend, when you feel the overwhelm threatening!
    sending you big love, Lise,
    xxx Shivanii

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Shivanii my dear buddy what a great source of strength and peace you always are for me. Thank you dear friend for that gift of sending tranquility through the line. xxx hope to catch up with you when you get back up this way xxx

  22. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    Congratulations Lisa. You must be so excited. You have waited for this moment for such a long time. I wish you all the best on your upcoming adventures 🙂

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Cathy it’s hard to believe it is actually going to happen at last. Can’t wait to board that plane!
      sending love
      lisa x

  23. Doug Porter
    Doug Porter says:

    So pleased you are to realise your dream, please take great care of yourself & family.
    Hope to see you here in Melbourne before you depart for ‘ la dolce vita ‘ and some seriously hard but enjoyable and exciting work.
    Ciao ciao,

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      How fantastic that will be Doug! It’s all systems go here, just on slow motion!
      see you all then
      ciao lisa x

  24. Francesca Muir
    Francesca Muir says:

    Oh I am so happy that at last you have a date Lisa – congratulations. Italy here you come. Please take good care and look after yourself. Thinking of you and sending this with love and light. F xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Yes here we come heaven help them all! Thanks for your love and kind wishes!

  25. Ingrid
    Ingrid says:

    Congratulations!! It is wonderful you have your dates locked in and a holiday on the way there will be just what you need!! I hope all the health worries are sorted quickly so you can all enjoy the prospect of 2 summers back to back as well as Christmas & New Year festivities!!
    Chin-up you are on your way!!! Hugs x

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh yes Ingrid two summers that will be nice, give me time to loose a little weight, get a little tan and sort out the health. Now the dates are locked in it’s funny how it has moved us to be “in action” and get things done! Can’t wait for Christmas and NYE with family and friends in Melbourne. Thanks for your “chin up” we are getting sorted slowly xxx


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