A Simple Life

our italian life

I wrote these words before we left for Italy.

‘Have you ever longed for something, I mean really longed for it? Every part of me aches to be wandering cobbled lanes with antique doors and ornate lions head door knockers. To be soaking up the sunshine in a tiny piazza, while Carina and Luca splash each other in the nearby fountain. Wandering hand in hand with my very Italian husband who can relax at last, he has nowhere to get!’

And whilst we still have a way to go creating our Italian life I know we are on the right track.

our italian life

I see it in our children, our home, our relationship (even when it’s awful and we are arguing) I know it in my heart, this feels right, we are where we should be, we are creating that simple life, growing our own food, raising animals to eat, picking wildflowers, drinking water fresh from the mountain, cutting wood, gathering fresh eggs from our chickens, sipping hot chocolate or cappuccino and eating freshly baked brioche in our favorite cafe, and always looking for ways to take things to the next level.

With that in mind I’ve taken on a new challenge, and only three weeks in B-School is changing my life in ways I never expected. I’m sure you’ll see changes here and I’m sure you know I have you in mind as I make them.

I hope we can show our children that it is possible to live your dream, that they are a gift to the world, and we strive to be the best example of that no matter what the circumstances.

simple life

To all my friends and family here and in my life…

I believe in you, all those dreams and plans and hopes you’ve given up on, the ones you’ve told yourself are too hard, or too expensive, or that you’re not worth it. It’s those that I am passionate about. You and your dreams, I believe they should come true.

I want you to know you can do it, it is possible, and you deserve it xx

Our Italian Life:

An update on Luca, he has returned to school and is back to his bouncy chirpy self, Carina has the sniffles but is well and loves the baby rabbits (we have seven), I have very low blood pressure and am on a magnesium drink from the doctor, I went today for blood tests, (hope to be back to my version of normal soon lol ), Sam is good and has been chopping wood, cooking and looking at how we can make this all come together.

I am realizing how much I share on my Facebook page with photos and updates about our daily life, I’m planning to move this over to the blog and love your feedback and thoughts on the changes I’ll be making.

boots | words

and the gang x

28 replies
  1. Evelyn
    Evelyn says:

    Well just a few lines about nothing. Carina is getting more beautiful every day! Do you notice? Sometimes when they are under foot you never notice. We had a gray damp day today. I am so looking forward to Spring. The garden is calling me but there is so much frost in the ground it might be a late season. They are promising the next week to be warmer !! Vlad and I went out for a perch supper at Port Stanley on Lake Erie today. The lake is frozen as far as you can see and the ice is piled up on the beach!! It was nice to get out cause the winter has been so cold and the driving so dangerous. How is Luca? and how about Sam?
    I was so happy to hear you won the prize!! What an accomplishment!
    Do you have many birds there? Are they song birds? I love to wake up in the morning to hearing the birds singing. Well keep up the good work. I love the trails and stories you take us on.

  2. Moira Leech
    Moira Leech says:

    Dearest Lisa, my personal feeling is that FB is a meeting to meet and greet friends, I feel your Blog is your heart and home place where you and your loved ones share the joys and trials of your life renovating an old homestead, educating your children about life and nature for its real potential and then trying to squeeze some time for you and your husband. I love your blog as you share your dreams and hopes with us your devoted followers and we share a glimpse of a dream that we may secretly long to achieve ourselves but never have that opportunity. So whichever decision you make we are with you 100% and support this wonderful journey regardless!!! Sending you much love and affection from your birth country, Moira

  3. lisa wood
    lisa wood says:

    Lisa – Facebook rules are always changing, and they are going to always be changing because they own it.
    But your blog – its yours. You have created it, you rule it and you can share your life on your blog.
    So instead of focusing on FB, why not share your images/thoughts/words/inspiration/ here on weekly basis? Create a Blog Post set up each week {one specific day} where you share your “Italian” renovations/finds/treasures/thoughts/dreams and life? Just a thought….because after all everyone who follows you on facebook can take five minutes out of their time to jump on over here and follow your gorgeous inspirations. That way you are building your blog, and not building facebook 🙂
    Love your Pictures – love sent from Australia xxx

  4. budget jan
    budget jan says:

    Your Dad would definitely be loving those boots and the gorgeous girl in them. It is nice to think of departed loved ones viewing our lives. You are really living your life, making it up as you go, learning on the hoof. Keep on having amazing experiences (because we love reading about them). Remember we are interested in all the little things that might seem so everyday to you 🙂

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      He always seems such a presence in my life even though I can’t remember him. I know he’d love our kids and one is up with him already so I like to think of them both watching out for us. Totally love the ‘Making it up as you Go’ thought Jan, we have no idea what is coming next and now Sam is thinking of starting up aquaponics so that should be a talking point in the valley. It’s so true that I take things for granted now and I think I’ll set myself a challenge to take photos everyday. xxx
      sending love
      PS loved your last post and the photos made me wish to be in Cambodia just spectacular xx

  5. Carolyn
    Carolyn says:

    Hi Lisa, like everyone else here, I love your FB updates but I totally get why you’re considering scaling them down and posting more on your blog. FB’s constant changes (especially to the ‘reach’ of posts) annoys me, too. I’m sure it’s a way of making us pay for ads to increase our reach so I’ll be taking your lead and posting more on my blog. I think the thing that makes your posts so appealing is that they are written in such a personal way and you make the reader feel part of your life – even if we’re not daring to dream and living life in Italy, you make us feel like we are. Please don’t change that. Your personality shines through and I’m sure that your FB fans will gladly subscribe on your website. In the meantime, I’m getting ready for my ‘dream’ – two months in Europe with just my hubby. It will be the first time we’ve travelled in Europe without the kids (now young men) since our backpacking days. Can’t wait! x

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I was thinking the other night Carolyn that if people aren’t following on fb then they only get part of the story as I’m posting so much on FB rather than at the blog. I do love the immeadiacey of FB and the easy way to chat and make friends, so I’ll always be sharing on both platforms but just not ON facebook as much if you get what I mean, it’s easy to loose track of time.

      I’m so glad to hear your thoughts on the blog and my posts, it makes a huge difference to me to hear this xxx How exciting to be traveling Europe arghhh without the kids, we had a day out without ours today and it was such a change and so quiet and nobody wanting anything, nice for a day now and again. We’ll have a while to wait before ours are out and about, at least another ten years so I’ll be in my sixties lol xx

      Enjoy your trip and I’m looking forward to hearing about it all xx

  6. Sarah Hudson
    Sarah Hudson says:

    Hi Lisa – I’m in a bit of a dilemma too but can’t afford B school just yet. FB is giving me the willies! Sometimes posts reach hundreds of people and sometimes only a few. I thought it was interesting that Danielle La Porte talks about how you want to feel – that has been my mantra for decades and it’s what I tell all my kids and friends when they get stuck in their lives. I hope you still do some FB posts because I think I get all of them – you could call yourself Living the dream in Italy – I think you are doing an amazing job ( especially as you’re raising 2 kids and renovating at the same time!). Love your spirit and your work! xxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Yep FB likes to give the willies, I did read a great post by Amy Porterfield about ways to outwit FB. You don’t have a website do you, I seriously would tell you to start one up and do it right from the beginning with and your own hosting. If FB changes the rules you won’t have any access to the people who choose to follow you and this is the big benefit of having a website. I still love FB and will be posting just not on as much as I’m working through my classes, and trying to implement all that I’m learning. Are you on Skype I’d love to catch up with you if you are. just pm me and I’ll send you our skype name, it’s heaps of fun especially with the video, I talked with Doug from Fresco Images the other day and it was so cool. I totally love all you share and your unique vision, xxx

  7. Jo / thedesertecho
    Jo / thedesertecho says:

    How beautiful the imagery you paint with your words. So happy that things are back on track for you. Your children are lucky to have such inspiring parents.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Ohhh we don’t feel very inspiring at times and our daughter is well into her tweens and giving us hell and lots of attitude. Can’t wait till she’s a teen lol. Still I’m glad we will be going through this here rather than in Australia, far less temptations x

  8. Evelyn
    Evelyn says:

    only 3 words??? My goodness I could think of many more. Well here goes
    Hope this is ok.
    It is still cold here, I wonder if it will ever get warm again?

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Evelyn that’s so lovely and thank you xxx

      I’m waiting to hear that it’s warming up where you are, surely spring must be on the way by now? sending love and hugs xxx

    • Evelyn
      Evelyn says:

      Today it is warm!!! Ice is melting!!! I finally managed to get to the bird feeders! Very carefully though. It is a great day. Just so nice to be able to go outside without at coat.

  9. Brooke Branson
    Brooke Branson says:

    I loved reading what you wrote last year Lisa. I can just picture you all doing those things, and I hope it will be sooner than later. Also happy to hear that Lucca is much better. It is so hard when your children are unwell. I’d love to hear more about how this b school is helping you. I have my own business, and am trying to enter the social media through fb, but it’s only been little steps…. not sure how to turn it into big steps. This is my 20th year in business and it seems to be more and more challenging . I love reading your fb and blog posts, Brooke.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It still doesn’t seem like a year Brooke. I’m finding B-School is turning everything around and I am looking with fresh eyes and my whole heart at my business and how I’d like it to develop. Currently I have no business as I make no money online. If you want a great resource for fb try Amy Porterfield. Also Marie Forleo who runs B-School has a great site filled with insight and information. What is your business, leave me a link. sending love xx

  10. Janine
    Janine says:

    Now this one’s brought a tear to my eye Lisa…… It’s making me feel accountable for my dreams too and I really needed to be reminded of that right about now. Thank you for inspiring me this evening, all the way in far away Melbourne. Take care of you all. xxJ

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh sending love to you dear Janine, and I know your dreams are so beautiful. I get my inspiration out in the online friendships I treasure including yours, knowing so many friends are hoping for and loving us, and letting us in their lives. Glad to inspire you anytime lol xxx

  11. Anne
    Anne says:

    Dear Lisa ..sorry to read that you are feeling under the weather..Hope all rights itself soon. Well it wasn’t until I started blogging that I wanted to do something different. I would love to escape or break free for a few months ..or even longer and I would like it to be with my husband. But that would be difficult .as he still travels for work (as you know)..could I do it on my own? Maybe I need too ..but with apprehension! I know that within me , something is dis-satisfied…could be my age , could be being on my own . Who knows!! My husband loves to nest when he comes home. , so what do I do? …take care Anne x

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Thanks Anne, just really tired with the low iron and blood pressure. Soon it will be back to normal but until then I’m struggling a bit to keep up with everything. Maybe some small trips to break the ice, an overnight stay somewhere or catch up with friends. It must be hard with your husband away, my cousin is often home for months at a time with her husband overseas for work. She finds it hard I know, and of course her husband is the same once he gets home he just wants to nest and she wants to fly the coop. a difficult thing to balance I’d imagine xxx sending love x

  12. Ryrie Wild
    Ryrie Wild says:

    So pleased you are moving these lovely messages to your blog. I love all the pictures you post to F/B but I rarely visit your blog (except to have a look at your book list, hehehe). Now I will have a reason to stay and read! So pleased that Luca is well again and hope that Carina’s sniffles are soon blown away hahaha. With your blood pressure under control you will be as fit as Sam and you will all be ready to hit the road in the truck.
    All the best and keep up the posts to the blog.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I think that’s the problem Ryrie, so many people know and follow along over at fb, and if fb changes things about as they do then some won’t know how to find us after. Do you think a similar feel here to the fb page would be the go? I sometimes feel tied by the name of the blog and feel I should talk about renovations more but really want to talk about passions, dreams and inspiration, the whole ‘Dare to Dream’ feeling. As always it’s a work in progress and B-School is giving me clarity that’s for sure. Hope you are well, sending love lisa xx

  13. Wynne
    Wynne says:

    Have you ever longed for something so strongly, that the very thought of obtaining it makes you weep?

    Yes, twice in my life: once in living a dream similar to yours; and once, something on a more personal level. I got the second one, briefly, and I was happy beyond belief.

    It’s a precious thing, to be able to live your dreams, and I’m so happy for you and your family that you are DOING it!

    Love to you all…

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It’s so hard when those dreams are just out of reach, keep moving towards that dream and I was just listening last night to Danielle LaPorte whose idea is ‘How do you want to Feel’….I’m really loving her take on life, xxx
      PS our ‘dream life’ isn’t always easy, especially now but onward ever onward!!!
      We must do a skype catch up xxx
      I’m getting the hang of it now and thinking of doing some skype chats from Italy xx

  14. Eva
    Eva says:

    Love the updates on FB, but I know that FB is changing so I have to start reading your blog.I love hearing about your life in Italy. Hope the spring will bring health and happiness to all of you. Soon, it will be time for Paris. Enjoy all your new adventures. Greetings from Chicago!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I really love fb as well Eva just for the immediate conversations, just looking at how I can bring that here to the blog and our site. If you subscribe up top you’ll get posts usually once a week. We have snow here today and our early Spring has disappeared totally. Ciao Ciao to you in Chicago, (my aunt lived in Chicago and always talks about it). xxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      and a big ciao to you Mr Porter lol xx
      it’s a work in progress, lovin your images x
      if anyone here hasn’t seen him yet check out Fresco Images


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