Meet the Men of the Valley

Italian men suprise me daily, they are so much more than the stereotype. The Italian men in our Valley are ‘real’ men, hard working, practical men that know how to fix a tractor, keep animals, provide for the family and weather any storm.
The men in our Valley are craftsmen, whether it be with metal, or creating the perfect cheese they don’t dissapoint.
The men in our Valley will pose for a photo, share a joke, and a smile. Here are some of my favourite images.

and the gang x


What glorious, interesting faces – lovely to see the real men of Italy – they look so content and happy. Great post Lisa. F xx
They always seem so astonished that I want to take a photo of them, they totally intrigue me and I wish I could just sit and listen to the stories they tell x
They all look so very happy, Love the way you are all fitting into your New Life. I love the community feeling among everyone xxx
Lisa — what a wonderful set of pictures showing the real Italian men (not the silly stuff I have been blogging about). I am here on vacation in the Italian Alps (San Martino di Castrozza) and am noticing so many special people here, both men and women. We wake up to the lovely, calming sound of cow-bells in the pasture on the steep hillside nearby and one cannot help but be happy.
Trisha we all need a bit of the silly side now and then, I must admit the men here in Italy fascinate me. They all seem so self possessed even the children. I just googled your holiday and what an amazingly beautiful spot, just spectacular. I’m sure you’re taking lots of photos and hope you can just relax and enjoy the calm mountain life. I love that phrase ‘one cannot help but be happy’ it makes the heart sing to hear that xxx
Oh, how wonderful are their faces! 🙂 This post makes me smile so big. 🙂 I’m so glad you have such beaming souls around you. XO
everyone here is so friendly and welcoming, I love the community and especially the men who sit in the piazza each day. They always wave and give me a nod, lots of ‘ciao’s’ for the kids. So many stories to tell I’m sure. x
Yes, number 4 looks quite pleasant.
He was just gorgeous, makes bells for a living so he would never get lost lol x
Fantastico! I love these guys, Lisa. Especially the shepherds.
This was taken at the festa when the valley bring the animals through the town and it was mayhem, I loved these two hiding behind the car to get so quiet time x
I’ll have number 4 please.
He was so nice and he comes with bells on lol x