Pigs Arse… the final journey!

Although not what I had expected I did travel in 2011 and the journey cut deep into my heart.

We have a travel goal, and have had it for some time now…many would call it an obsession.

I have been blogging away for the past year and this goal has never wavered or dulled, it can’t be erased or put to one side. Just out of our reach, if I stand on tippy toes I can just touch the edges and for now that has to be enough.

We bought our property in Brighton as a last renovation before we headed off back to Italy for good. We moved in on a weekend in early July 2010, I remember it clearly. More moving vans, excited kids, boxes everywhere and no idea where the kettle was.

That night the call came, it was late. I answered. There was a hesitation as if caught by suprise and then I heard my step dad’s voice and I knew something was very wrong. Oh please no, not Mum…don’t let it be Mum.

Bradley’s dead!

My dear gruff brother, only a few years older than I am had a massive heart attack while mowing the lawn. He lived at home with my Mum all his life, he had only had his 50th in February.

Gone, just like that!

From that moment on life got shorter. No time to waste, no dream too big.

I have a little of his ashes tucked away. I think secretly he’d like the idea of one final part of the journey still to come.

So I did travel in 2011.

Not to our beloved Italy but to Melbourne to be with family and friends as we scattered his ashes at his favorite spot – just before the braking zone at turn 6, on the outside of the Albert Park grand prix track.

A little part of him is also one day soon heading to Italia to find the best turn at Monza.





and the gang x


portrait in paris
our italian life
getting to know you hello
our italian life
italian journey
17 replies
  1. Lisa Wood
    Lisa Wood says:

    Oh wow Lisa – I never realised. I am so sorry for your loss – but so happy that Brad can be with you in Italy.

    thanking you for sharing.

    Lisa xx

  2. Jackie Stenhouse
    Jackie Stenhouse says:

    What an absolutely beautiful thing to do for your brother. I had goosebumps reading this post as I too have lost a brother and I know exactly what you are feeling. Its wonderful you are taking him to Italy with you.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I’m so sorry to hear that Jackie, with Brad it was so sudden and unexpected. My Dad died from the same heart problem and he was only 39 at the time. I don’t think he’ll mind coming in my carry on. I hope they don’t confiscate him!
      ciao lisa

  3. Mary Furness
    Mary Furness says:

    How hard to lose your brother so suddenly! Both my parents are gone, and I miss them every day; our son is named for my father, and for my husband’s father, neither of whom lived to know him. But he is so much like both of them, it is completely amazing!
    I recently lost two friends from my high school graduating class–both at the age of 51, and both quite suddenly. Life is so fragile…for the sake of those who have left us, we must live it to the fullest, and truly seize the day(s).
    Looking forward to our exchanges of thoughts and ideas this month;

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Mary, so sorry to hear that, and how perfect that your son is named for them. Beautiful that he is like them, and that you can share your memories with him. I lost my Dad when I was four, very suddenly and have no memories of him…I wish I did. Life is certainly fragile and death can be so sudden. Those not touched by loss don’t yet have that depth of understanding. So lets seize the days and moments. It’s so wonderful to meet you and the others taking part. ciao lisa x

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Thanks Sarah, it just flowed…..x

  4. Leanne - Getaway Guru
    Leanne - Getaway Guru says:


    you write so poetically and so openly.

    I wish you all the best for your goals and journey and I look forward to joining you on this 30 day blogging journey and onto Italy.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It’s so wonderful having a friend like you along, the process is surprising me. I start writing with one idea in mind and find freedom to write just what I feel in the moment. It’s very freeing and I’m so glad I took part. Here’s to the next 27 days together…ciao lisa

  5. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    Dear Lisa,
    I am absolutely speechless – poor you, that must have been a dreadful shock and emotion filled journey back to Melbourne.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Cathy I’m so glad that my brother and I grew closer as we got older. I miss him so much and still it never seems real even though I spent time with him before he was taken from Mums. A huge shock, I never saw it coming, he was fit and active but had heart complications resulting in open heart surgery many years ago. Life is brief…live it!
      ciao lisa x

  6. christine
    christine says:

    Hi Lisa,
    Your blog was a joy to read from start to finish over the last few days and I wish all the best things for you and your family. Our loved ones who have passed on are now living THROUGH us somehow….Especially in these past few days ( Day of the Dead celebrations here in the Americas and in Europe) of reflection, I feel a bit closer to those that have died… but we have been left here to do the business of living life. And live it we shall…for ourselves and in the spirit and remembrance all those who have gone before us.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Hi Christine,
      How perfectly put…live in the spirit and remembrance of those who are gone. We lost our little boy when he was only a day old and I know he is here with us, alive in us! I plan to live life beyond the full for him and for myself. Thanks for the lovely words, ciao lisa x

  7. carla
    carla says:

    HI Lisa,
    Such a moving post.. It must be devastating losing your brother. it is true not to waste time it is so easy to make excuses and think things will pass. I can’t wait to be part of your life in Italy.. As I am sure he will too.. Carla xxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Hi Carla,
      I was four when my Dad died very suddenly from the same heart problem that killed my brother. He was only 39 years old and left Mum with three young children. Our family knew the hard way that each day is so special, I have a suspicion that Brad would say “What the hell are you doing taking me to Italy”….at last little sister can show him some of the world! And he can’t answer back “Pig’s Arse”…. ciao lisa x


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